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Birth Doula

Water Birth

Every woman deserves to have the birth she dreams of.  I specialize in home birth and birthing center births but support Mamas in all kinds of birth, whether a hospital birth is the desired plan or the unexpected transfer.  My job as a birth doula is to provide emotional, physical, and informational support.  If you have a birth partner (or birth team) I work to help empower them during the process in order to best support you.  I believe interventions are a wonderful and life-saving invention but I also think they are overused and that women in this country are not always given all of the facts needed to make an informed decision or the opportunity for true informed consent.  My goal is to educate and empower my clients so they feel comfortable advocating for themselves.  I provide prenatal and postpartum meetings with you (and your family) and strive to make every woman feel as confident and comfortable as possible before, during, and after birth.  I attended a DONA international training program, have completed breastfeeding training and am familiar with hypnobirthing techniques.  

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